At Summit Janitorial Services we have specially trained staff for cleaning medical facilities – drilled to adhere to strict protocols. Our teams utilize the best equipment and most effective cleaning agents to win the battle against infectious pathogens in emergency waiting areas, hallways, rest rooms and operating theatres.
Summit Janitorial Services ranks as one of the highest skilled professional cleaners Greenville SC and surrounding areas When it comes to cleaning medical facilities we take the steps to not only protect our own staff but guaranty that our cleaning will create a safe and healthy environment for your patience and personnel.
In healthcare facilities, you often handle the more chaotic and challenging situations in life. We appreciate the work you perform, and we do all we can to help by providing a clean and healthy work environment.
Remember we are flexible and professional – we visit our facility, do a walk through with you, then work out the best schedule and checklist for your facility.
“Summit does all of our buildings where we are responsible for janitorial. We have been very pleased with them. If we have problems, they are very responsive and satisfactorily address the issues. I have been working with Todd since at least 1999, after firing a succession of unsatisfactory cleaning companies.”
P. Addington / Director of Medical Services
Summit Janitorial
Experts in Cleaning Medical Facilities
P.O. Box 26235 • Greenville, SC 29616
Phone: 864-277-3538