Fall is fast approaching. Soon, the leaves will be changing colors, the nights will be getting longer and a chill will be in the air. And if your not careful, half your office will be calling in sick with the flu.
Many of us think of the flu as something that just happens every year. Like the changing of the seasons, I will get sick this fall. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Flu season in Greenville may come every year, but with professional office cleaning, you can minimize its impact on your business.
The problem with the flu is that once someone is infected, they spread the flu germs everywhere they go. This might be easier to control if the were not contagious until they were sick, but in many cases, people can be contagious for up to 2 days before they actually come down with any symptoms. This means the employees and clients can be leaving flu germs on desks, doorknobs, phones and bathrooms without even knowing it. To make matters worse, these flu germs can take days to go away if they are not properly cleaned.
Honestly, the best way to keep your business, staff and clients safe from flu germs this year is to bring in a professional commercial cleaning service. A professional commercial cleaning service, like Summit Janitorial, is not only trained in what areas to pay special attention to when cleaning, but they are also trained in what types of cleaners to use to make sure everything in your business is sanitized and germ free.
Let’s face it, not cleaning just isn’t an option. Staff is more motivated to work in a clean office, and even more motivated to work when they are not sick. Customers are more motivated to frequent businesses and spend their money in businesses that are clean. So you need to have a clean business.
Having your staff clean up after themselves can give the appearance of clean. But without the proper training or motivation, they will not do as good of a job as professional commercial cleaners. They won’t be as willing to clean bathrooms, or get all the touchable surfaces. And they definitely won’t know what cleaners to use in what places.
You could hire a full time staff janitor. But then you would also have to buy all the safety gear, and cleaning supplies. Not to mention finding a place to store all those chemicals. To be honest, it is a lot less expensive to bring in an outside cleaning company like Summit Janitorial,
Give Summit Janitorial a call and we can figure out a cleaning plan that suits your businesses needs and budget. Together, we can make sure flu season in Greenville has as little impact as possible on your business.