Regular carpet cleaning, washing dishes and wiping down counters is a no-brainer for most facility managers. Many other regular office cleaning tasks such as these are taken care of religiously, but there are some spots are neglected very often. Those neglected spots accumulate dirt, grime and germs over time, risking the health of your employees, the standards of your office, and perhaps even the comfort of your clients.
In this article we take a look at some of the most neglected spots in office cleaning and why you need to prioritize washing them.
The fact is that unless specified, most employees will not move a piece of heavy machinery to clean behind it. Dust and dirt can gradually accumulate behind these big machines necessitating the need to move them and clean the space around them periodically. The machines themselves need to be cleaned also. Dusting and cleaning common office appliances such as printers and photocopiers can improve the quality of the prints.
In the office setting, the microwave gets a lot of use. Splatters and spills occur frequently and most staff members might not be quick to clean them up. If left for long, a dirty microwave becomes a good breading place for bacteria. To avoid funky smells from your microwave, create a rotating cleaning schedule every week.
The accumulation of dead insects and dust on the light fixtures will not only disgust workers and clients, but if neglected for long, the lights in the office will appear dimmer. The most effective way to clean lights is to first switch off their power, dust off anything on the exterior of the fixture or fluorescent, remove the cover, and then clean the light cover thoroughly inside and out.
You remember to clean the office windows regularly, but what about the curtains and blinds? Curtains and blinds are usually neglected if they do not have stains, although dust particles may be accumulating internally. You can clean curtains by vacuuming, using steam cleaning or taking them to the dry cleaners. The blinds should be vacuumed or dusted on a regular basis using a feather duster.
Whether it is the sofa in the lobby or the leather chairs in the conference room, most office furniture gets ignored during office cleaning. It’s normally a ‘if it does not appear dirty, there’s no need to clean it’ situation. Even if you cannot see any spots, germs, dust mites, and other debris could be accumulating on your furniture. Office furniture that is cleaned regularly looks more professional; decreases allergens caused by build-up of mold, mildew and mites; and lasts for a long time.
Fans and the AC unit move plenty of air around, and this air is also accompanied by dust and dirt. If you don’t clean the ducts, vents, baseboards, fan blades and your AC unit regularly, a lot of dust, mold and mildew will blow around the office constantly affecting the health of the workers and the customers. To clean your AC air ducts, turn the system off first then vacuum clean all the baseboards and vents.
Many people forget the fact that office walls require regularly cleanings because they collect dust, stains, fingerprints and other debris. You need to ensure the walls and ceilings of your office are swept, dusted and vacuumed regularly.
Telephones, fridge doors, light switches, doorknobs, computers, keyboards, under chairs and desks are hotspots for germs in the office. Ensure that your staff members wipe down their desks, keyboards, and mice several times every week to maintain a healthy working environment.
Cleaning the office properly cannot be achieved without the right cleaning supplies. Contact Greenville SC for the best office cleaning supplies and competent staff in the cleaning business.